Our services.

At embraceRENEW, we offer a range of support options tailored to meet you wherever you are on your fertility journey. Whether you need focused guidance, comprehensive support, or ongoing partnership, we're here to strengthen, uplift, and nurture you every step of the way.

Discover Your Ideal Fertility Support Path 💖

Let's explore together and find the perfect support tailored to your unique fertility journey.

Finding Your Perfect Support Path

Which Option is Right for You?

Your fertility journey is as unique as you are, and we're here to provide the right level of support at every stage. Whether you're just starting out, in the midst of treatment, or looking for ongoing guidance, we have an option tailored for you:

Single Support Sessions.

These heart-to-heart conversations are here when you need a guiding hand with a specific part of your fertility journey. Whether seeking reassurance about injections, a compassionate ear during challenging moments, or a friendly chat about donor eggs, our Single Support Sessions offer a warm, understanding space. They're perfect when you need a gentle nudge in the right direction or want to get to know us better before exploring our other nurturing options.

Comprehensive Programs.

Think of these as your roadmaps for key chapters in your fertility story. Each blueprint is lovingly crafted to walk beside you through specific stages, like preparing for IVF, exploring donor egg possibilities, or mapping out your unique fertility path. We've woven together one-on-one chats, helpful resources, and ongoing care to wrap you in knowledge, strategies, and confidence. These blueprints are here for you when you're stepping into a new phase and want a caring guide by you for a while.

Ongoing Journey Support.

For those times when you'd like a constant, caring presence throughout your fertility journey, our companionship options are here to hold your hand every step of the way. This is our most personalized way of supporting you, with regular check-ins, a listening ear whenever needed, and an approach that gently adapts as your journey unfolds. Whether navigating complex treatments, facing unexpected bumps in the road, or wanting a faithful friend on your path to parenthood, our Ongoing Journey Companionship ensures you always have a soft place to land.

embraceRENEW Membership.

embraceRENEW offers personalized, flexible support for individuals on their fertility journey who prefer to navigate at their own pace. Created by someone who has experienced IVF firsthand, our membership provides essential resources and compassionate guidance. From tailored advice to a supportive community, we empower you to take control of your path to parenthood confidently and easily.

Explore our range of nurturing fertility support services.

Compare & Choose Your Journey

Take a moment to compare our different support options below and choose the one that feels right for you. Whether you need focused guidance, comprehensive support, or an ongoing partner by your side, we’re here to help. Together, we’ll make this journey as smooth and supported as possible. Let’s explore these options and find the best path for you.

Single Support Sessions

Our one-on-one sessions provide targeted support for specific needs.

Session Type Duration Price Best For
Nurturing Injection Support 45 mins $125 Those starting injections or needing a refresher.
Emotional Support Check-In 30 mins $100 Individuals needing a compassionate listener and coping strategies.
Donor Egg Decision Support 45 mins $175 Individuals or couples considering donor eggs.
Comprehensive Programs

Our programs offer in-depth support for various stages of your fertility journey.

Program Duration Price Key Features
The NurtureRx Program 4 weeks $550 Injection guidance, emotional support, personalized strategies
The Fertility Partnership Program 6 weeks $775 Comprehensive donor egg journey support
The IVF Planning and Strategy Program 3 weeks $395 IVF preparation, emotional support, decision-making guidance
The Elite IVF Travel Concierge Program Custom $1800 Travel support for 4 fertility appointments, dedicated guide
The VIP IVF Navigator Program 8 weeks $2500 Comprehensive start-to-finish IVF support
Ongoing Journey Support

Our retainer options provide continuous, personalized support throughout your fertility journey.

Retainer Type Duration Monthly Price Key Benefits
Fertility Companion Retainer Ongoing $850 Weekly check-ins, 2 specialized sessions/month, priority support
VIP Fertility Navigator Retainer Ongoing $1750 Bi-weekly strategy sessions, 4 specialized sessions/month, 24/7 support

Note: Travel IVF support, where a specialist accompanies you to the doctor's office, is available as an additional add-on fee.

embraceRENEW Membership

Our membership options provide comprehensive and continuous support throughout your fertility journey. First month is free!

Membership Tier Duration Monthly Price Key Benefits
Cycle Companion Membership Ongoing $49 Comprehensive digital library of IVF resources ($250 value), Insider tips from my own journey, Guidance on Choosing Clinics & Donors, Access to my private support community
Founder's Circle Tier Ongoing $99 Everything from the Companion Tier ($250 value), PLUS an extended 90-minute kickoff call, 24/7 text access, Exclusive discounts, My personal attention as part of this ultra-intimate cohort

Are you unsure which option best suits your needs?
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation, and we'll help you find the perfect support plan for your journey.