Ongoing Journey Support.

Welcome to our Ongoing Journey Support page, which offers continuous, nurturing care tailored to your unique fertility journey.

Steady Support, Every Step of the Way.

  • Fertility Companion Retainer

    Weekly 30-minute heart-to-heart check-in calls:
    Regular, comforting conversations to keep you grounded and encouraged.

    Specialized 60-minute sessions per month:
    Choose the type of support you need, whether it's practical guidance or emotional reassurance.

    Unlimited email & text support:
    Quick doses of encouragement and answers whenever needed.

    Continuous access to our embraceRENEW Membership Area:
    A wealth of resources to nurture your journey at your fingertips.


  • VIP Fertility Navigator Retainer

    Bi-weekly 60-minute strategy sessions:
    Personalized guidance to help you navigate each step of your journey.

    4x specialized 60-minute sessions per month:
    Tailor your support mix to match your needs.

    24/7 on-call support:
    Immediate reassurance and assistance whenever you need it.

    Continuous access to our embraceRENEW Membership Area:
    A robust collection of resources to support you.

    Quarterly progress review and plan adjustment:
    Ensuring our support evolves with your journey.


How Your Journey Unfolds


1. Reach Out

Take the first step. Schedule a warm, no-pressure consultation with me.


2. Connect & Choose

Together, we'll explore which support option feels right for you. Your journey, your choice.


3. Welcome Aboard

I'll guide you through a gentle onboarding process, tailored to your comfort.


4. Begin Your Supported Journey

Embrace your path with confidence, knowing I'm here for you every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step with compassionate, personalized support?