The Fertility Partnership Program

The Fertility Partnership Package offers a comprehensive program to support individuals and couples embarking on their journey to start or expand their family using donor eggs. As your dedicated support guide, I provide emotional and physical support throughout the process, helping you navigate the complexities with compassion.

We will collaborate to identify a donor egg bank that aligns with your needs and preferences. I will assist you in reviewing profiles and genetic testing information to find the perfect match. My commitment is to offer personalized guidance and support, ensuring you feel confident and informed as you navigate your fertility journey.

What’s included in this package?

With this package, you’re not just buying services but investing in peace of mind, expert guidance, and a tailored path to your dream of parenthood. Don’t settle for anything less than the support and expertise you deserve.

  • 3 x 60-Minute Personalized Coaching Sessions: Tailored to address your specific needs and concerns.

    1 x 30-Minute Follow-Up Appointment: Ensuring continuity and support as you progress.

    1 Month of Unlimited Email & Text Support: Immediate guidance access whenever needed.

  • Donor Egg Support Guide Packet: Comprehensive resources to inform and empower your decisions.

    1 Month VIP Access to embraceRENEW Membership Area: Exclusive resources and community support.

    Customized Action Plan: A roadmap designed to streamline your journey.

  • Research Donor Egg Agencies & Criteria List: Expert assistance in selecting the right donor egg agency.

    Prepare Questions for Clinic/Agency Consultations: Guidance to ensure you gather crucial information.

    Outline Step-by-Step Treatment Plan: Clear, actionable steps to navigate your treatment journey confidently.
